Friday, June 4, 2010

Well, for starters, on my site I will be posting a paper of mine I wrote for English Class. However, I have been working on the very subject for a few years now, with bundles of help from my dad and my uncle Tom who has his own blog site and Documentary out about the all famous Super Size Me (but that's another section of science entirely) and a lot of being pissed off and throwing an assortment of mugs at the television while the media picks up the Global Warming Myth as pure fact.

Ladies and gentleman or whoever happens to be reading this, these people are politicians, not scientists, and you can see this hold true through their methods of conquering free thought. Nowhere in the scientific method does it say to try it only as your hypothesis is stated and if the data is proved wrong, you change the data for the good of those learning from you.

In pure and true scientific investigation, you TRY TO PROVE YOUR HYPOTHESIS WRONG. This is the true way of reaching truth! You will never know how strong building material is unless it has been broken down and measured to its flaws and this holds through for learning material as well. I firmly believe that the popularity of Global Warming is brought on by fear tactics. If you put on a white coat and explain a false disease to someone who has no background in the medical field, you could convince them the only way to get rid of it is to give you their money for research. The unknowing person/people will of course agree after seeing any data. It doesn't even have to be substantial. The key to a good lie is that no one has an understanding of eminent doom, but they are certain that YOU do. Then of course anyone who challenges you will be stifled. And they will be shunned as naysayers and deniers. For questioning science. This isn't individual fault, this is just Mob Psychology.

Scientists who preach Global Warming are willing to exclude data from certain eras of history. This is terrifying. We are talking hundreds of millions of dollars spent on an uncertain science. The masses have been told that we need to give the government money to pay for cleaner air methods and help get rid of CO2 emissions. CO2 is not a pollutant. Every living thing besides plants produce CO2 and it is ignorant to think we can take down a world much more powerful than us by assaulting the air. So we have a data smudging, cars causing the icebergs to melt and poor little polar bears to stand on hunks of ice because apparently they found polar bears that can't swim. Must have been a challenge.

We have an issue of personal property and freedoms. Our government's way of telling us we don't need control over our money, our vehicles or our Health Care. Soon education. I for one prefer Capitalism. When the government steps over the line too often and intervenes too much, we wake up in Soviet Russia wondering where things went wrong.
Now, I'm not one of these post apocalyptic alien watching "9/11 was set up by the Bush Administration to promote militarism" Government conspiracy theorists. I'm seventeen. I have better things to consume my time with than blatant idiocy. They do this in broad daylight. They simply know how to make it sound a little bit different and a whole lot better. Very handy for propaganda. We seem to be heading towards the most American totalitarian style government possible.

In summary, if you turn on the TV and they tell you the ancient civilization who could tell the future (but couldn't foresee the downfall of their empire of dirt, gold, and sacrificing humans) say the world is gonna end in 2012, just sit back, have a little laugh to yourself, and make sure you listen to both sides of the story which will require more than one station often times.

In the Best Interests of One Nation, Under God,
~Kenneth Naughton

The Global Warming HYPOTHESIS, and why People think it Exists

Global Warming is a political scare tactic used in much the same way that Communism was utilized to control people. This also has no conclusive scientific data. The news is full of fearsome tales of how the world is going to end because people are harming our ecosystem by driving cars, using fossil fuels, and how big business in general is going to catch our world on fire. This is not the truth. Politicians are “helping” this issue by spending money that the economy needs on all kinds of useless technology so they are not labeled deniers or skeptics. Meanwhile, scientists who oppose this scandal lose their government funding and are shunned by society because they used their data with honesty and good intent for human kind. Earth is far more powerful than humankind and has its own ways of recycling greenhouse gases that has been in effect since its very existence.

The political standpoint is a rather bleak outlook on the future. According to the news, icebergs are melting at an alarming rate. The sun is heating up the ocean, which, in turn, is melting icebergs and polar ice caps are doomed to follow suit. Flip through the channels, and most likely there will be an advertisement of a sad polar bear, apparently unable to swim, floating on his last chunk of ice followed by a celebrity trying to reach out to all the poor, unknowing masses and let them donate all their hard earned money to research on Global Warming. According to The Climate Revealed, as we put out more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the world is going to keep getting hotter and hotter until we cease emissions (Burroughs 13). Carbon dioxide is labeled as a pollutant. By 2030, it is projected that there will be beachfront property here in Illinois. And it is all people’s fault! Human kind is endangering this planet by driving smog emitting cars and flying airplanes and breathing out! Therefore the Earth is going to flood and everyone will either drown or be burned and then frozen due to some gastric anomaly.

Then, states a global warming based website, Michael Mann brings about what seems to be inarguable data in the famous hockey stick graph, which shows how the climate has grown hotter since man made emissions started. According to them, “The graph was subsequently criticized by many global warming skeptics and historians, because weather events such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age were absent.” yet this is no a problem in their eyes. This is just one example of their corrupt philosophy of smudging the data for their own greater good (

But science is about formulating a hypothesis, and proving it true by first attempting to prove it wrong. Not everyone is blind enough that they do not see this. Often environmental groups blame problems on big businesses, when they themselves are now a $2 billion industry (Horner 3). Political “Green” parties are nicknamed watermelons because they are green on the outside, but on the inside they are red, as a reference to the communist flag. They even courted Black Panther Angela Davis and vice presidential candidate for the Communist Party. Their methods also strive to take away personal freedom and often hint at depopulation as a solution (Horner 7). To quote Matt Lauer from June 2006 on MSNBC “US Homo sapiens are turning out to be as destructive a force as any asteroid…the solutions are not a secret: control population, recycle, reduce consumption…” (Horner 8). How do you control a population that is too large? Eliminate people. A chilling point bluntly stated about one of the Green Party’s ideas for helping Earth. Yet when you oppose the Green media you are either dishonest or being paid by the Oil Companies.

Strangely enough only thirty years ago Time magazine published an article about a possible ice age approaching and how “the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades” ( According to The New American magazine, even John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, sees this as “the greatest scam in history”.

He believes that there is nothing to worry about. There are climate fluctuations, or changes in climate over time, and this is not strange at all. All the planes and cars and people haven’t changed anything significantly. There isn’t going to be a lack of food supply or a rise in ocean levels. He believes Al Gore’s video is just video hype and does not deserve his awards or money. Even though he is sincere, he is misguided. Misguided people formed the International Panel on Climate Change. It hires political scientists to go out and prove climate change exists. There was not a consensus of true scientist, as is so often said to be and, in fact, only about twenty-five out of 2,500 scientists actually read and reviewed the key chapter on how carbon dioxide supposedly affects climate. 19,000 scientists signed against Kyoto’s basis on climate change and four hundred scientists spoke out against the convention’s conclusions. It is a political strategy to shut off debate, and they utilized that. One hundred scientists wrote a letter of complaint that they were not allowed to speak out, as their opinions were against the panel. John was a weatherman when the Time article came out on the imminent ice age, and he even wrote up on it. Russian and Canadian officials have even warned of a coming ice age (

On February 15, 2010 The Glenn Beck Program did a story on Phil Jones, a central figure in Climate Gate, who admitted that the late twentieth century heating trend was not unique. He stated that this heating trend had happened twice in the past 150 years. That means before cars and large airplane travel. He admits that there has been no significant warming since 1995 and that there has actually been a slight cooling since 2002. He states that there was no actual consensus on Mann’s Hockey Stick graph and that it was actually warmer in the medieval warming period than it is now. Most importantly of all, he denies that there was any true consensus among the scientists about global warming (Beck). The consensus claims that were the battle call of the Far Left politicians and politically funded Green scientists.

What that breaks down to is that Global warming is a political lie dressed as a scientific theory. Their pop culture sympathy stories have grown as their support has increased. Polar ice caps, for example are going to melt. This is true. However, if one were to fill a glass to the top with water and ice cubes, then let the ice cubes melt, it would not raise the water level. This is called water displacement, the fact that ice takes up the same amount of space as it does in liquid form ( Also, icebergs are forming exponentially meaning they are increasing, not decreasing.

And, as British professor Bob Carter states, polar bears do not exist. They are fictional, according to Green data due to the fact that the temperatures they project that would lead to their extinction have occurred five times in the past 40,000 years. In his lecture he shows multiple graphs, which explain how twentieth century temperature fluctuation is not alarming in the slightest. It coincides with data through history and is not even slightly close to the hottest our Earth has been (

In conclusion I truly believe Global Warming is a political scare tactic used in much the same way that Communism was utilized to control people while using no conclusive scientific data. Make no mistake, pollution is a growing issue, but it is not going to set our world in flames, we are not going to drown, and we have decades to uncover solutions to the problems of pollution. If we turn our backs on this ludicrous worldwide scandal and outlawing of science, and instead decide to look toward tomorrow with hopes for a clean, united world, there is a bright future awaiting us.


Burroughs, William J. The Climate Revealed. New York: Octopus Publishing Group, 1999
Hiserodt, Ed.
Horner, Christopher C. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2007
The Glenn Beck Program
Naughton, Tom.

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